• Restaurants, Eclectic

NY Eats Bugs


Time Out says

Locusts and crickets and ants, oh my! The creepy crawlers are the starring dish at this two-event, insect-only extravaganza hosted by the Metropolitan Society of Natural Historians, New York Entomological Society and future-food agency Alimentary Initiatives. Enjoy limitless cocktails as you snack on bug canapés (Thai cricket spoons, curried locusts) on the lush open terrace of the Explorers Club during an afternoon Crickets & Cocktails hour ($20) before hearing from the likes of paleoentomologist Phil Barden, entomologist Louis N. Sorkin and edible-insect farmer Katharina Unger. Later, bug out in style at a swanky New York Banquet of Bugs ($125), with six courses of creatures ranging from mealworms to water beetle larvae prepared by chef Natalia “Cookie” Martinez of Toronto’s Market 707.


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