• Things to do, Talks and lectures

Re-Action: Are Reproductive Rights Safe in New York?


Time Out says

Rally+Rise hosts this eye-opening panel and discussion, at which experts such as Danielle Castaldi-Micca (Director of Political and Government Affairs, National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund), Susannah Pasquantonio (former Director of Women's Health Issues & Health Care Policy for New York State Senator Liz Krueger) and others speak upon what life post-Roe v. Wade would actually look like, and if our state is as progressive as we think. Lizz Winstead (Founder of Lady Parts Justice, Co-Creator of The Daily Show) acts as the moderator for the evening. Make sure to stick around for a letter-writing session to support the Reproductive Health Act following the event. 


Free with R.S.V.P.
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