FMAD Jun 2018

Find me a date: Rei and Luke

These city kids ditched Tinder and let us play matchmaker. Here’s a blow-by-blow of their blind date


The date: our daters had a meal at La Brasserie.

First impression

Rei: “I was pleasantly surprised that he was an expat, a refreshing change from all the other guys I’ve dated.”

Luke: “She’s a good looking girl. I was definitely physically attracted to her.”


Rei: “Not in a romantic sense, but I can see us keeping in contact as friends.”

Luke: “Perhaps it wasn’t the romantic chemistry that we were both hoping for but we definitely hit it off as friends.”

Awkward moment

Rei: “I struggled to find common ground so I was constantly stressing over what to say next. It helped that he put in effort to keep the conversation going.”

Luke: “I tried to hug her when we parted ways but she wanted to shake hands.”


Rei: “I walked him to the taxi stand at the Esplanade as he’s only been here for five months and would have gotten lost.”

Luke: “We finished eating pretty quickly so I suggested taking a stroll down the river – great company and stunning views.”


Rei: ♥♥♥♥ “All the dates I’ve been on are either ‘okay’ or ‘terrible’. This was ‘okay’ so it deserves a four. At least we managed to talk.”

Luke: ♥♥♥♥ “We joked throughout the night and she’s really easy to get along with. I’d be open for more but I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  • Raffles Place
La Brasserie
La Brasserie

The atmosphere

“It’s really romantic and despite being packed, it wasn’t too rowdy. The staff constantly attended to our every need.” – Luke

The food

“Everything was really nice, though I think I got the better end of the deal. The steak that I had was unforgettable.” – Luke

The drinks

“The wine and cider made the night more enjoyable than it already was.” – Rei

Can't get enough? Read on for other blind date stories

  • Sex and dating
The couples
The couples

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