Pagoda Odyssey 1915: From Shanghai to San Francisco
Over 100 years ago in the year 1864, 84 pagodas were hand-carved in Shanghai at the Tushanwan Workshop by Jesuit missionaries. Many of them then went on to influence several other celebrated artists that we have come to know of today, such as watercolourist Xu Yongqing and sculptor Zhang Chongren. Today, these 84 pagodas are now being reunited in Singapore at Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM)’s exhibition Pagoda Odyssey 1915: From Shanghai to San Francisco. Photograph: Asian Civilisations Museum Dive into the creation process of each crafted pagoda, which ranges from 30 centimetres to over two metres in height. These masterpieces aren’t just pretty to look at, they represent a breakthrough at the point of time it was created to research, document, and reproduce iconic pagodas from different regions and historical periods. Visitors will also be able to experience a hyper-tactile exhibit where they can interact firsthand with 3D-printed replicas of model pagodas and replica wooden brackets known as dougong. Find out more about the exhibition here.