
In pictures: the heroes and villains of Star Wars Celebration

Tom Huddleston
Written by
Tom Huddleston
Arts and culture journalist

This weekend, thousands of 'Star Wars' uberfans gathered at the ExCel Centre for Star Wars Celebration Europe, a three-day event that prided itself on all-star panel discussions and signing sessions, but was really just an excuse for awesomely enthusiastic nerds from all over the world to show off their costume-crafting skills. Time Out film writer Tom Huddleston was there in an official capacity – he also authors entries in the official 'Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space' series for kids – so we asked him to rummage through Instagram and pick out a few favourite images from the weekend. First up are a few shots that give you some idea of the sheer scale of the event.


A photo posted by JAKe (@jakedetonator) on

And what would a 'Star Wars' convention be without giant plastic ships? 


A photo posted by Dean Smith (@seagull_deano) on


A photo posted by Dean Smith (@seagull_deano) on

Joining fans on Friday were the cast of the forthcoming 'Star Wars: Rogue One'. Here they are selfie-ing like mad for 'Force Awakens' and 'Game of Thrones' star Gwendoline Christie. 


A photo posted by Eaglejony (@eagle_jhony) on

Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher were each subjected to an hour-long fan interview, before appearing together at the Future Filmmakers panel on Sunday. 


A photo posted by Eaglejony (@eagle_jhony) on

Hamill was also on hand to offer marital advice to one husband in the doghouse.


A photo posted by SayWat!Kin (@mrskins) on

But of course the real stars at Celebration – as at any major convention – were the fans. Here's just a small selection of the incredible array of eye-popping costumes on display. 


A photo posted by Nick Pope (@nickpopemedia) on


A photo posted by candy_valentina (@candy_valentina) on


A photo posted by Toyin Oshodi (@slimshodi) on


A photo posted by ida💫 (@idapod) on


A photo posted by STAR WARS ONLINE (@starwarsonline) on


A photo posted by @bertrandrustles on


A photo posted by @craigspivey on


A photo posted by @solosheep on


A photo posted by Mwachala (@barelysuperman) on


A photo posted by Mark Charade (@markcharade) on

Great outfit – but who wore it better?


A photo posted by David Russell (@daveruss93) on

We'll leave you with our absolute favourite costume from the entire fest – this legend. Hamill Schmamill, we want this dude as the star of 'Episode VIII'. 

Check out our guide to all things 'Star Wars'

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