
London’s first vegan chicken shop is opening next month

Written by
David Clack

The traditional post-pub fried-chicken feast is an experience loaded with guilt. The calorific but oh-so delicious crispy skin, the oodles of mayo, those super-salty fries – and that’s before you’ve even thought about animal welfare.

Keeping at least the latter in check, a new chicken shop destined for Hackney has ruffled food bloggers’ feathers by announcing that it’s doing away with poultry altogether.

Temple of Seitan will instead use the meat substitute after which it's named in place of fried fowl, which can, they say, be seasoned so that it closely resembles the real deal.

For the unfamiliar, seitan (pronounced as you would the name of the dark underlord who will one day claim our souls and condemn us to an eternity of agony) is a meat-free substance made from wheat gluten. Temple of Seitan has been selling seitan-based snacks at food markets and vegetarian events since the spring, making the stuff from scratch.

The venue is set open in Hackney in January – we’ll bring you more details (will the lights be so bright they make you squint? Will it come in the traditional red and yellow boxes? Will there be a junior spesh?) as we get them.

In other vegan news, a café in Brixton is refusing to accept new five-pound notes.

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