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Nearly two thirds of people have stolen stuff from work

Isabelle Aron
Written by
Isabelle Aron

Have you ever stolen something from your office? We're not talking elaborate bank robberies here, just the occasional bit of innocent thievery. Well, we assume you do because apparently 61 percent of workers have admitted to stealing something from their workplace.

Stationery website conducted a survey of 2,000 people and found that the top choice of stolen office goods was pens, followed closely by Post-Its and notepads. But who hasn't nicked a bit of stationery in their time? Some people were a bit more bold in their casual theft, with 10 percent of people admitting to having stolen loo roll, while 3 percent have pocketed ink cartridges and unscrewed light bulbs from the office ceiling. Other popular items for thieving hands were tea bags and mugs, which is definitely one way of kitting out your kitchen on the cheap. Just maybe refrain from stealing the shirt off your boss's back, eh?

Thieving from the office because you're skint? Here are eight things that are going up quicker than your salary.

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