
You might soon be able to get pizza delivered to London bus stops

Isabelle Aron
Written by
Isabelle Aron
Features Editor, Time Out London

Forget the night tube, you might be convinced to stick with the night bus if Domino's new bus delivery service launches in London. Yep, getting drunk food delivered could be about to get a whole lot easier - Domino's is trialling a new service, which means you'll be able to order a pizza while you're on the bus and it'll arrive at your chosen stop. It's currently only in Blackpool at the moment, but if it's successful (and why wouldn't it be?), it could launch in London. Let's hope it takes off, because less time waiting and more time eating can only ever be a good thing. 

You can now get a pizza in a box made of pizza in New York and we want in.

Feeling restrained? Here are seven places in London for single pizza slices.

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