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Dating in the City: How to find time to date

Too busy with work to date? Time Out has teamed up with professional dating site The Inner Circle to help you balance work and play

Time Out in association with The Inner Circle

If you’re single, sometimes dating can feel like a second job. And so together with exclusive professional dating site The Inner Circle, we’ve explored some dos and don’ts for maintaining a better work/love-life balance. 

Do stuff you wanted to do anyway

Dating = time. You're like a regular busy person, but with this whole extra thing you have to do. So why not take your dates to all those new places you wanted to visit anyway. Not only will it add some much-needed variety to your free time, but it's also a good test of whether your potential partner shares the same taste in activities as you. If you're more Hawksmoor and they're more Streat Feast, it’s best to find out earlier on, eh?

Don't just talk about work

It's great to be passionate about your career, and it can be interesting finding out what someone else’s job is really like. But after a stressful day, try not to unload all your workday woes on your poor date. If you suddenly find yourself ranting about Excel spreadsheets or interest rates then you may have gone too far.

Do be realistic about your schedule

Everyone knows life is busy, and other professionals will understand when work gets in the way. But it’s still not great if you end up canceling on someone repeatedly. Be realistic about your work pressures. Identify key times of the month when you’re likely to work late, and then arrange dates during quieter weeks. Dating is only fun when you have time to dedicate to it. 

Don’t just limit yourself to one city

If you often travel for work then why not try a dating site that allows you to change city or country at the touch of the button. At the very least, you get yourself a local tour guide for the evening, and it means you won’t have to eat dinner on your own, with just a book for company.

Do avoid the local

It's so close by! So convenient! But remember: all of your workmates are there. They’ll ask embarrassing questions, and you'll have to chuckle awkwardly without fully acknowledging this is someone you've literally only just met. Or worse, they’ll become your own personal 'X Factor' judging panel, ready with a verdict on your date first thing the next day. This awkwardness is only compounded when it becomes a weekly event. So live a little – go to the second-closest bar instead!

Don’t forget to make an effort

When you leave for work in the morning, your date that evening may be the last thing on your mind, but you don’t want them to know that! Keep some grooming products in your desk for a last minute spruce up. You never know, if the date goes particularly well, you may need that deodorant and back-up tie so that no one realises you’re still in yesterday’s clothes.

Do use a dating site targeted at professionals

Worried the only place you’re meeting like-minded people is at work? Don’t worry, you don’t have to start dating your boss just yet (though it might make for some entertaining performance reviews!). The Inner Circle knows how tough dating in the City can be, and so they’ve created a members-only site specifically for single professionals. Connect with singles in other European cities at the touch of a button, and use the site for date ideas across the capital. The Inner Circle run regular invite-only events at sought-after London venues, and their app is even compatible with your Apple Watch.

Join The Inner Circle

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