The Alternative Comedy Experience

The Alternative Comedy Experience

Tue Feb 5, 11-11.30pm, Comedy Central

Series one, episode one
Is it the recession? The Tories? The procession of fresh-faced ob-coms filling the O2 with their jaunty musings on social-media etiquette and supermarket self-service checkouts? Who knows. But there’s little doubt that what older readers will recognise as alternative comedy is undergoing a mini-renaissance. Alexei Sayle has returned to stand-up and this new series sees Stewart Lee, who has flown the flag through’s fallow years, introducing comedy from the Stand in Edinburgh. It’s simultaneously refreshing and frustrating.

Tonight’s opener features Isy Suttie, David Kay, Boothby Graffoe, Henning Wehn, Glenn Wool and David O’Doherty. But not for very long: at half an hour, and with ads and six comedians per show, it means approximately one and a half gags each – although the same half-dozen will be returning for more across the 12-part series, which showcases a total of 20 stand-ups. It’s great to see more marginal comic turns getting exposure, but frustrating that we aren't allowed to see them in full flow, at least tonight.
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