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Dave Gorman’s Modern Life is Goodish

Dave Gorman’s Modern Life is Goodish

Tue Sep 17, 10-11pm, Dave

Episode one
Gorman has turned the ‘Powerpoint Presentation as Sketch Show’ into something of an art form, getting comic mileage out of some pretty flimsy premises. ‘Modern Life is Goodish’ is no exception, encouraging us to look a little closer and pay a little more attention: to terms and conditions, to pernicious marketing campaigns and, above all, to the internet.

Adam Buxton may do it darker and Alex Zane dumber, but they leave Gorman to plough the reasonably fertile middle ground of mocking idiots online, in this case as they debate Leap Years and non-news stories. Gorman’s mounting incredulity becomes a little exhausting over the course of the hour and his climactic ‘Found Poem’ is overlong, but there are still plenty of laughs – and any time spent scrutinising Alan Sugar’s doomed E-Mailer phone is never wasted. Goodish is about right.
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