We're not entirely sure who would even dare keep any of the following animals as pets in New York or anywhere else in the world but here we are nonetheless reporting on a newly introduced legislation that would officially prohibit New Yorkers from cohabitating with anteaters, armadillos, dolphins, walruses, ostriches, elephants, hyenas, rhinoceroses, whales and a bunch of other wild creatures.
According to the New York Post, the proposition stems from an years-long "controversy surrounding a Long Island business peddling sloths and kangaroos."
Although there haven't been any reports regarding, for example, an emu living inside a NYC apartment, New Yorkers have been hearing about escaped kangaroos and zebras throughout the past few years. That is all to say that there might actually be a point to the would-be law.
"Not only is this unethical, but it’s a public-health and safety concern," state Senator Monica Martinez, the bill's sponsor, said to the New York Post. "These animals have characteristics which require specific conditions and environment to survive. Currently, some of these animals, such as the red kangaroo can grow as high as six feet tall and weigh up to 200 pounds. A sloth is naturally nocturnal, mostly deaf and blind in bright daylight."
Hard to argue with all of that.
To be clear, the proposed legislation would not in any way impact zoo or animal sanctuary guidelines. That being said, New York City Council members are currently thinking about banning elephant captivity across the five boroughs, an act that would affect zoos as well.
Back to the wild animal ban: after securing an Assembly sponsor, the legislation would have to pass the state Legislature and then get signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul to become a reality. We personally would love to see that happen.
There are already enough things to worry about while living in New York, after all—from high rent prices to a sub-par transportation system, for example—so not having to think about a hyena potentially attacking us while walking around Central Park on a beautiful spring day or jogging down Madison Avenue is surely an exciting proposition.