
Lyrids meteor shower over Singapore: What it is and when to watch it

One of the oldest recorded meteor showers is expected to peak tonight, April 22

Cheryl Sekkappan
Written by
Cheryl Sekkappan
Deputy Editor, Time Out Singapore
Lyrids meteor shower 2020
Photograph: Ingo Bartussek/Shutterstock

2024 is shaping up to be a spectacular year of meteor showers and full supermoons. Kicking things off is the Lyrids meteor shower, which has been streaking through the skies since April 16 and is expected to peak on the night between April 22 and 23. Avid stargazers or curious onlookers in Singapore have a chance to witness this beautiful celestial event – here's how. 

What is the Lyrids meteor shower?

The Lyrids meteor shower is one of the oldest known meteor showers, with its first recorded sight dating back to 687 BC by the Chinese. Named after the constellation Lyra, the Lyrids are known for its fast and bright meteors which appear as bright flashes – called fireballs – in the sky. According to NASA, heavy showers can produce up to 100 meteors per hour. Typically though, you can expect 10 to 20 meteors per hour during the Lyrids' peak. 

When to catch the Lyrids meteor shower?

The Lyrids are set to peak tonight, lasting well into the morning of April 23. This is your best chance to catch sight of the meteors in Singapore. 

Where can I watch it in Singapore?

Find somewhere with a wide, unblocked view of the north-western sky. Earthsky advises skygazers to stay away from anywhere with bright city lights – in Singapore, your best best would be parks, beaches, and reservoirs. We're close to the full moon on April 24, so the extra brightness of the moon will make it harder to view the meteor shower. Lay under trees or in a place with structures that block the moon for a better chance to see the Lyrids. 

Can I see the Lyrids with my naked eye?

Yes, indeed. You don't need special equipment to view the Lyrids, just a dark and cloudless sky. NASA says that it is best to look for the meteors away from their radiant – the point in the sky where the Lyrids appear to originate. Just locate the constellation Lyra and scan the dark areas around it. 

Are there other meteor showers happening in Singapore in 2024?

There are three more meteor showers to look forward to this year – and they're expected to be even more spectacular than the Lyrids. 

Look forward to the peak of the Eta Aquarids on the night between May 6 and 7. These meteors are known for their speed, and are particularly well suited for viewing in the south hemisphere. This year, the Eta Aquarids peak close to a new moon, meaning that skies are nice and dark for optimal viewing. 

If there's one meteor shower to catch this year, it's the Perseids between August 12 and 13. These meteors leave dazzling, long wakes and rain down at a rate of 50 to 100 meteors an hour. Look out for fireballs too, which appear as bright explosions that last longer than meteor streaks.

Finally, the Geminids will peak between December 13 to 14. These are one of the most reliable annual meteor showers, with up to 120 meteors per hour. These are bright and fast meteors which tend to appear yellow. 


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