
Learning a new language? Try tube-friendly app Memrise

Written by
David Phelan

Time Out tries and tests the best apps for city living. This week: brush up your linguistic skills on your commute with Memrise.

What is it?

An enjoyable language learning app: ideal if you fancy a more productive commute, but find language apps like DuoLingo and Babbel hard work. Memrise aims to make learning fun: you watch a native speaker say each word, and choose the meaning or spell it out.

Why do I need it?

Because it’s a solid way to top up your language skills. There are clever extra memory helpers, including cleverly chosen LOLcats to assist with tricky words. The videos of real people are more helpful than Duolingo’s cartoons, and though there is a Pro subscription level available (at £6.99 a month) you can stay at amateur for free. It’s also gentle: make mistakes and you can keep going, where other apps fail you after too many errors. You can also switch between language courses if you wish, you clever multilingual show-off, you. 

Free, with in-app purchases. iOS and Android. 15MB-41MB. Get it at

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