
Patrick Stewart is the poop emoji in 'The Emoji Movie' 💩

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Time Out Film

If you were just only just getting over the news that emojis are being made into a movie – an actual movie – prepare yourself. Sir Patrick Stewart, the acclaimed Shakespearean actor, X-Men star, selfie maestro, Trekkie and feminist, will be starring in 'The Emoji Movie' as the poo emoji. That right, Sir Patrick will play a steaming pile of turd. Talk about boldly going…

Judging from the teaser trailer, the 76-year-old actor will play a rather polished turd – a distinguished chap with a bow tie and suave accent. The trailer, which mainly features the meh emoji (voiced by comedian Steven Wright), provoked a mass WTF moment on social media when it dropped in December, with one commenter writing: '2017 can't get any worse than this'. 

The film is released on August 4, and follows an emoji with multiple expressions, Gene (T J Miller), on an adventure into a teenager’s phone, travelling through Twitter, Dropbox, Candy Crush and Instagram. It also stars ‘Broad City’ actress Ilana Glazer, and comedian James Corden.

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