
There's been a surprisingly low number of crimes reported on the night tube

Isabelle Aron
Written by
Isabelle Aron
Features Editor, Time Out London

After what felt like an eternity of waiting (okay, it was more like a year, but still), the night tube finally launched on the Central and Victoria lines back in August. It's since launched on the Jubilee and Northern lines, and the Piccadilly line is set to join the night tube party on December 16. But if you thought the night tube was going to be all rowdy drunk people causing havoc and picking fights, apparently that's not the case so far.

Figures from the British Transport Police show that 67 crimes have been reported in almost 1.5 million journeys since the night tube launch, which translates to less than one incident reported in every 22,000 journeys. The figures only refer to crimes reported to the British Transport Police, so it could be the case that there are more incidents going unreported. Or maybe Londoners just don't want to go back to life without the night tube so we've all been surprisingly well behaved. 

In other news, Sadiq Khan has confirmed that tube and bus fares will be frozen until 2020

And TfL is tracking tube passengers through their phones

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