
Vote for a 'druid open-mic night' to come to Somerset House

Chris Waywell
Written by
Chris Waywell
Deputy Editor, Time Out London

Artist Bedwyr Williams is organising a bizarre event as part of Museums at Night in October, and he needs your votes to bring it to London.

Here's what he's proposing:

'As I have a long-standing interest in mysterious historic periods and people, I would like to hold a druid open-mic night. Imagine Stonehenge was actually a very niche comedy club. The audience are also the entertainers. Dressed up in badly made druid clobber, beards and wigs, a selection of them will be able to get on stage and do a turn. Anything: singing, yodelling, memory-reading, spoons, funny burps or impressions. I’d also like to open some kind of druid bar or café selling prehistoric snacks and drinks. I think there is something special about dressing up as people you know very little about.'

Clearly this sounds ace (prehistoric snacks!), so in order for it not to go to Bristol (boo!) or Scunthorpe (the only place in the UK which includes the C-word), vote for it to come to Somerset House on the link below.

If anywhere in the country embodies 'dressing up as people you know very little about', it is our mighty capital. Vote now!

Find out more and vote here.

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