
Wild thing: rogue animals are taking over London

Isabelle Aron
Written by
Isabelle Aron
Features Editor, Time Out London

It's come to our attention that London is rife with wild animals lately - and we're not just talking about stray cats and underground rodents. If you've got a fear of snakes, we'd suggest giving Danson Park in Bexleyheath a wide berth, as a six-foot boa constrictor has been spotted slithering its way round the south-east London park. The RSPCA believe it may be an abandoned pet and it's now been transferred to a specialist reptile centre, while they try to find the owner. Remember people, a boa constrictor is for life.

Elsewhere, an albino squirrel has been seen hanging out in Croydon's Grangewood Park. Sure, it's not exactly out of the ordinary to spot a squirrel in London, but apparently albino squirrels are pretty rare, with only 25 of them in the UK. Although, being covered in bright white fur, the little guy was probably pretty hard to miss. 

And we've saved the best 'til last, as the plot of 'Babe: Pig in the City' has come to life on a busy A-road in Hammersmith. Yep, a micropig has been spotted running along the A4. Hammersmith police eventually managed to catch up with the tiny but quick-footed pig and have since taken it to Putney Animal Hospital where she's been checked over by staff and named 'Wilbur'. Aww.

Be careful guys, it's a jungle out there!

Want more animal fun? Take a look at these 25 brilliant photos of London animals.

Or try one of these London days out for animal-lovers.

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