
You're more likely to get pick-pocketed on the Central line than any other tube line

Isabelle Aron
Written by
Isabelle Aron
Features Editor, Time Out London

If you went anywhere near the Central line during London's #heatwave, you'll be well aware that temperatures reached hotter-than-the-sun territory. While things might have slightly cooled off, we've now got another reason to give the Central line a wide berth, as it turns out the whole bloody line is apparently rife with thieves. According to a Freedom of Information request by insurance group LV=, you're more likely to have your stuff stolen on the Central line than any other tube line. We're also at peak pick-pocketing season at the moment, as apparently July is the worst summer month for theft on the tube because thieves are targeting wealthy tourists. 

And it's not just the Central line – the Piccadilly and Circle lines are also hotspots for pick-pocketers, with half of all reported thefts on the tube happening on one of these three lines. Unsurprisingly, the stats show that Oxford Circus station is the most pick-pocketed station, followed by King’s Cross and Victoria.

But it's not all tragic tales of stolen iPhones and long-lost handbags, as reports of theft across the tube network fell to 3,332 last year, compared to 4,763 the year before. Still, if you're venturing onto the Central line, you might want to keep a close grip on your stuff and watch out for shifty-looking Artful Dodger-type characters. And we're not talking '90s garage DJs.

Tired of London? Here are seven signs you might need a break.

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