
CANCEL EVERYTHING: it’s snowing in London

Written by
Rosie Percy

Cancel the trains. Call in sick. Stockpile the canned food. Because it’s just started snowing in London.

Over-excited weather-watchers reported flakes falling, starting in the north.

Later reports showed the cold front spreading further south, adding a thin sprinkling of the white stuff arriving over central London. 

It may have only lasted all of three minutes, but it was enough to send any Londoner into absolute meltdown. (Geddit? Meltdown. MELTdown. Because it’s snow.)

But it wasn’t long before cynicism overtook our Christmas spirit, with the majority of us imagining the impact that two minutes of frozen rain with have on our commute.

Of course, it was all over before it really began. Did you miss it? Open the window and take a look at these beautiful pictures of London in the snow for a close second best, instead.

Why is London’s weather so unpredictable? We answered your most Googled question. 

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