
People are comparing the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree to a cucumber

Written by
Hayley Spencer

The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree has been unveiled, but this year's grand lighting ceremony was pretty anticlimactic, because the 2016 spruce looked pretty sorry for itself. Some people have compared it to a giant cucumber, while others pointed out this could be a sign that Norway is mad at us.

Every year since 1947, the city of Oslo has donated a Christmas tree to London to show its gratitude for the support Britain gave it during WW2, but it kind of seems like its hospitality is running out. Case in point:

Someone else suggested that the tree looks like it was bought at Brixton Market.


Looks like they got the tree at Brixton Market #timesarehard #rockinaroundthetoiletbrush #nondrop

A photo posted by Jack Docherty (@jackdocherty) on

Not exactly the bushy, full fir and ornate light show that screams 'Instagram me!' is it? And remember the 2015 tree? It was wonky.

So, Norway: if we've done something to piss you off, please let us know and we'll extend our sincerest apologies.

Here's some other Christmassy stuff to do instead.

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