Shakespeare400 'The Complete Walk': route map and guide

Our guide to the Globe's 37-screen Shakespearean masterpiece along the River Thames


As part of London's Shakespeare400 celebrations, this weekend (April 23 10am-10pm, Apr 24 10am-8pm) Bankside will be festooned with 37 screens, each showing a specially created 10-minute film about one of the Bard’s 37 plays. Dubbed ‘The Complete Walk there’s no obligation to see it in any particular order, but it officially starts with ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ in St Thomas’s Hospital Garden, then just head right along the Thames for, er, well, about six-and-a-half hours and boom! You’ll be able to bluff your way through any conversation about Shakespeare. Here's our handy guide to each of the plays and where you can see them. 

You can also download a version of this map to your phone to use over the weekend

1. ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’, St Thomas' Hospital Garden

Two best buddies get up to romantic shenanigans; some cross-dressing occurs.

2. ‘Henry VI part 3’, St Thomas' Hospital Garden

England erupts into an almighty ruck as the Wars of the Roses kick off.

3. 'The Taming of the Shrew', Jubilee Gardens front path

Off to a, er, bracing start: the original wife-beating comedy.

4. ‘Henry VI part 1’, Jubilee Gardens wide path

The English whale on the French – a very popular topic.

5. ‘Titus Andronicus’, behind Hungerford Bridge

Mind-bogglingly bloody revenge tragedy that culminates in history’s most upsetting pie.

6. ‘Henry VI part 2’, after Hungerford Bridge

Scheming occurs in the court of England – another popular topic.

7. ‘Romeo & Juliet’, along Riverside, Festival Pier corner

 The children of mortal enemies fall for each other. It gets a bit :’(.

8. ‘Richard III’, Riverside, before book stalls

The possibly exaggerated story of literature’s most evil king and Leicester’s hometown hero.

9. ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’, in front of the National Theatre

King Ferdinand and his guy pals forswear women – but uh-oh! – women turn up. 

10. ‘King John’, in front of the National Theatre

The supposedly evil king from ‘Robin Hood’ beats up the French for a bit.

11. ‘The Comedy of Errors’, Observation Point

Two sets of identical twins – separated in childhood – meet up. High jinks occur. 

12. ‘Richard II’, Observation Point

The weak king believes he’s untouchable; turns out he isn’t.

13. ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, Gabriel’s Wharf Band Stand

A bunch of insane fairies attempt to solve the romantic problems of some mortals lost in a wood.

14. ‘The Merchant of Venice’, Riverside Slice

Things get a teeny bit anti-Semitic when a Venetian noble defaults on a loan to a Jewish merchant.

15. ‘Henry IV part 1’, Bernie Spain Gardens

The heir to the English throne gets sloshed.

16. ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, Bernie Spain Gardens

Extreme sassiness in the Sicilian countryside.

17. ‘Henry IV part 2’, behind Oxo West, Barge House

The heir to the English throne sobers up

18. ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’, Behind Oxo East, Platform @ Oxo

‘Henry IV’s Falstaff in a very silly sequel. 

19. ‘Hamlet’, opposite Bankside Gallery

Student ponders the meaning of life when he should be on a killing spree.

20. ‘Henry V’, opposite Tate Modern

The King of England kicks the merde out  of the French.

21. ‘As You Like It’, Tate Modern lawn

Cross-dressing adventures in the world’s busiest forest.

22. ‘Julius Caesar’, Tate Modern lawn

Rome’s greatest leader gets Jon Snow’d by his BFF Brutus.

23. ‘Othello’, before Southwark Bridge

Race relations in sixteenth-century Venice don’t go terribly well.

24. ‘Measure for Measure’, before Anchor’s Beer Garden

The Duke of Vienna goes undercover in Vienna – he does not like what he sees.

25. ‘Twelfth Night’, next to Clink St Bridge

Shakespeare trope overload: romantic cross-dressing with twins and a shipwreck.

26. ‘Troilus and Cressida’, Winchester Palace Ruins

The ‘Iliad’, but with more shagging. 

27. ‘All’s Well That Ends Well’, Southwark Cathedral Garden

Nice girl falls for appalling arsehole.

28. ‘Timon of Athens’, Cathedral Square

Wealthy Athenian gentleman discovers people are awful when he loses all his money.

29. ‘Antony and Cleopatra’, City Pier West

One man’s midlife crisis almost brings the Roman Empire to its knees.

30. ‘King Lear’, City Pier East

Father-of-three takes early retirement and goes a bit nuts.

31. ‘Macbeth’, Hays Galleria

Scottish lord is persuaded to commit brutal murder by wife, who promptly gets all guilty about it.

32. ‘Coriolanus’, outside More London

Jilted Roman general teams up with his nemesis.

33. ‘Henry VIII’, The Scoop

Propaganda play about what a totally awesome guy Queen Elizabeth’s dad was. 

34. ‘Pericles’, Potters Fields lawn

Prince Pericles enjoys sundry adventures including a shipwreck.

35. ‘Cymbeline’, Potters Fields

In ancient Britain, Posthumus lays an ill-advised wager on his wife Innogen’s fidelity.

36. ‘The Winter’s Tale’, Potters Fields

Cursed with anger management issues, King Leontes ruins everything for everyone.

37. ‘The Tempest’, Potters Fields

Sorcerer and single dad Prospero takes revenge on his enemies – magic style. 

(Download a version of this map to your phone)

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