22 ethereal photos of London from Vulture Labs

A distinctive process reveals a city at its ghostliest


The photographer: ‘I'm Jay, aka Vulture Labs, a fine art black and white photographer from central London.’

The set-up: ‘My camera kit comprises a Nikon D700 full frame camera, Nikon 14-24mm f2.8, Nikon 16-35mm f4 VR, Nikon 70-200mm VRii f2.8, Lucroit filter holder for my 14-24mm and Formatt Hitech Pro Stop IRND 3, 6, 10 stop ND filters, B+W ND110 B+W ND106 neutral density filters and a Haida IRND 10 stop neutral density filter.

I use Photoshop, Lightroom, Silver Efex Pro 2 and Topaz Labs plugins for my post processing.’
The work: ‘I specialise in daytime long exposure photography using neutral density filters that attach to the lens. This slows down the amount of light entering the camera, which lets me take photos in daylight where the exposure can be up to 10 minutes long! This creates a very ethereal, surreal image, where water appears like glass, and clouds blur into streaks in the sky.

‘My photography is heavily dependent on the weather conditions. I'm forever checking the weather forecast, before and even during a shoot. I prefer to shoot on days where the sky is very overcast, with fast moving clouds – a cloudless sunny sky is not for me! I live in central London, and the city is a great location for photography, and features a lot in my work. I love the timeless classic feel of working in black and white, without colour, where I can sculpt the light and contrast in my images.'

Love these photos? Jay runs photography workshops in London, so email vulturelabs@gmail.com to book a place – or hire him! You can also follow Vulture Labs on Flickr500px and Twitter.

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