
I have this friend Jax (31, straight)

Written by
Kate Wertheimer

Single readers, you're in luck. Each week, Time Out will feature one of our very own smart, sexy, eligible buddies for your potential dating pleasure. No crazies, no creeps, no pressure. Enjoy!

Do you have a single friend who's a total catch? Nominate them below.

Jax was recommended by her friend Adrian: "I have this friend, Jax. I could say she’s sweet and smart and awesome to be around, but really that's boring, and Jax is anything but boring. She is sexy and witty and will always keep you on your toes. Plus, she’s got skills. She can macramé (don’t worry, I had to look it up too when she first told me about it), she mulls a mean wine and she can hand-make the shit out of some delicious pasta. There is never a dull moment with this chica, unless it's called for. Then you can enjoy some nice R&R near Echo Park Lake over a Mexican serape. Conversations with this pretty lady are captivating, her laugh is infectious and her sneeze(s) are the cutest thing you ever did see. Warning: You must share food, no exception. I could keep going but I was told to keep it brief, just know this gal is game for anything. The man who snags her will go on the adventure of a lifetime."

Here's Jax, in her own words:

What’s at the top of your LA bucket list? A drive up the coast. No itinerary. Camping along the way.

What's your favorite bar in LA? Taix, it's a cozy French spot in Echo Park. Always a chill crowd, has a fireplace and makes me feel like I'm back East.

FYF, Burning Man or the LA Phil? Burning Man. Never been, but it's on the list.

What's the most interesting date you've been on so far in LA? Chinatown Summer Nights, 'cause I love music, beer and confetti.

What are three must-have items you'd stash in your earthquake kit (aside from the necessities)? Music, beer and confetti.

What's the most overrated part about LA? I do miss a good thunderstorm every now and again... 

What's your ideal first date spot and why? I love a park hang. Keep it simple. 

Think you and Jax might hit it off? Shoot her an email at (include a photo!) and let the sparks fly.

Still looking? Meet our other sexy single friends.

If you've got a great single friend that should be featured here, send us an email at or nominate them below.

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