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Photograph: Shutterstock

Please be more mindful of your bag on the subway!

This is what’s driving us bonkers in NYC right now and making us (almost) want to move

Will Gleason

Have you ever been sitting on the subway and something just hit you? Not necessarily
a realization that you left your apartment lights on or a memory of a mistake you made at work, but an actual tote bag or, say, a backpack. Like, a giant bag hanging off someone’s shoulder just swung around and smacked you in the face? My guess is that you probably have. That experience still smarts, no?

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When in public, I’m a sensible citizen who is pretty sure that it would be extremely out of the ordinary for someone on a crowded subway car to lean down and violently smack me across the face. But, apparently, when it comes to bags, all bets are off.

I have been assaulted on the subway by a shocking array of bags. I’ve been slapped by New Yorker totes and pummeled by large hiking backpacks, then stung by their various dangling cords and fasteners. I’ve been slowly crushed by blue Herschel bags and repeatedly nudged by shiny leather purses. Once, someone’s Bed, Bath & Beyond shopping bag was so far on my lap, I could see every single item (mainly K-Cups!) contained therein.

So, please, if you’re carrying a bag on the subway, be a little mindful! I’m starting to tense up every time I walk by a TUMI store. ν Will Gleason

Not all of NYC is annoying!

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