
Singaporeans are the most travel-deprived in the world

How many of us have been longingly gazing at our passports?

Dewi Nurjuwita
Written by
Dewi Nurjuwita
Koh Yao Noi
Photograph: Shutterstock

According to the latest edition of Expedia's annual Vacation Deprivation® Study, Singapore has emerged as the most vacation-deprived country in the world. The Lion City came alongside Italy as one of the most vacation-deprived countries globally. 

Our borders have been shut for leisure travel since March last year – so it's no surprise that Singaporeans are getting the travel itch. According to the study, those aged 18-34 were found to be the most vacation-deprived group, with 85 percent identifying with vacation deprivation. It's then followed by those in the 35-49 age range (68 percent), and those aged above 50 (51 percent). 

“Singaporeans are some of the most avid travellers in the region, and when we consider the lack of options for inter-city travel within the country, it is of little surprise that they are the most vacation deprived people globally this year," says Lavinia Rajaram, APAC Head of Communications for Brand Expedia in a statement. "But they have adapted well while embracing the nationalistic spirit of rediscovering Singapore while supporting local tourism through staycations and local activities."

And that indeed is true. We've seen an increase of people in our nature reserves and parks in Singapore. More people are picking up new hobbies – mostly outdoorsy – and exploring our offshore islands, hidden gems and secret trails. Want to truly experience the experience of travelling while staying in Singapore? Check into a hotel. You can have a staycation at some of Singapore's coolest hotels, go for a retreat somewhere quiet, play the proper tourist at a boutique hotel and sign up for some city walks or even transport yourself overseas in a villa or industrial-chic hotel. How are you playing tourist in our own city? 

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