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  • Art, Film and video
Awavena Carriageworks 2018
Photograph: Greg Downing

Time Out says

Discover the story of an Amazonian tribe's first female shaman with this virtual-reality film

This virtual-reality film has just wowed audiences at the Venice International Film Festival, and now Carriageworks has scored a coup in screening it in Australia. The creation of artist and director Lynette Wallworth and producer Nicole Newnham, who picked up an Emmy for their last VR film, Collisions, Awavena was made at the invitation of Brazilian Amazonian Yawanawa people and tells the story of Hushahu, the tribe’s first female shaman. The film will be accompanied by a free public exhibition, including a walk-through extension of the film called The Blessing Space, where visitors are given a portable VR backpack and allowed to roam the Yawanawa forest and explore it for themselves.

Written by
Polly Simons


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