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Which Sydney neighbourhood are you?

The new light rail is the main artery to the heart of each neighbourhood, find out which one best reflects your fab personality

By Time Out in partnership with Transport for NSW

We all know if Sydney were a person she'd be Kylie Minogue: all that sunny disposition and extravagant aesthetics makes for a good embodiment of our harbour town. But what if we broke each neighbourhood down to their bare bone traits – who would they be then? Well, we've designed a sophisticated algorithm (we haven't) and narrowed it down to the new light rail route to find out just that in this highly-technical quiz (repeat: absolutely no scientific research went into this). Take our test to find out if you're more of a sassy Surry Hills or a flashy Circular Quay. Answer the questions below and we'll fire up the calculations (you get it, we're nerds) to reveal what neighbourhood along the light rail route you are and remember to play it safe around light rail.  

Got your neighbourhood? Good. Now, enter your name and email through the link below for the chance to win a $100 voucher to one of the featured venues, plus an Opal card loaded with $100 so you can travel around your designated neighbourhood

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