This historic Vauxhall pub and dining room offers seasonal food alongside a drinks selection boasting real ales, continental beers and wines cherry-picked from across the globe. But nothing makes it quite as famous as the fact that Taylor Swift name dropped it on her 11th studio album The Tortured Poet Department.
Fans think that track 17 on the 2024 album is about Taylor’s London-based ex Joe Alwyn. In the song, she sings: ‘I am someone who until recent events you shared your secrets with and your location. You forgot to turn it off. And so I watch as you walk into some bar called The Black Dog.’
The Spanish-inspired kitchen serves up tapas such as rosemary manchego with oak honey, confit garlic & coca bread as well as padron peppers, spinach & goats cheese croqueta with quince jam. Good eats are guaranteed; actual sightings of Ms Swift, less so.