
Joanna Lumley wants your help to save Berwick Street Market

Written by
Rosie Percy

Another day, another beloved London landmark under threat.

You may remember earlier this year when we told you that Berwick Street Market, as synonymous with Soho as sex and neon signs, was under threat from privatisation. Well, several months on, and it's still the same. 

Last night Joanna Lumley joined the Berwick Street Market team to switch on their Christmas lights and to call on the London public to back the campaign to keep Berwick Street Market independent. In between slugs of mulled wine and mince pies, she told us why it's so important.

'If we lose places like Berwick Street Market we lose the heart of London. We lose the reason that Londoners love London and want to live here. And people that visit want to see the real London – not smart new glass buildings and another branch of Starbucks, but a street that’s been trading as a market for 300 years. That’s the kind of history that people want.' 

So according to Joanna Lumley herself, a sterilised Soho is absolutely NOT fabulous. If you agree and want to support the local traders, give them an early Christmas present by signing the petition to save them.

Want another reason to save Soho? Back Berwick Street Market and you might bump into Joanna Lumley herself because she says she often gets her fruit, veg and flowers from the stalls there. According to her, 'it’s just divine, I promise you – it’s the most adorable place.'

How much more convincing could you need?

It's not just Berwick Street Market that's in trouble, Tooting Market is also under threat from Crossrail 2 developments

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