
Shots, sexts or sleeping in: how did you spend this weekend?

Written by
Rosie Percy

Here at Time Out we're pretty clued up on what's going on at the weekend - but we want to know how you choose to spend yours.

From wandering around exhibitions to eating out or even nursing a two day hangover after 'just one after work' turned into an all nighter, there's loads of ways you can spend your Friday-Sunday.

So tell us: what did you get up to this weekend?

We want to know about the ill-advised texts sent, sordid hook-ups had, shots sunk and shoe soles danced through. Share your best, unbeatable or even boring stories from what you did this weekend in the box below.

It's totally anonymous and our favourite submissions might be picked for a Time Out feature.

Fill out my online form.

Looking for something new to do next weekend? Tick off these 17 things to do before the end of the year.

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