
This map shows the London postcodes with the most lost pubs

James Manning
Written by
James Manning
Content Director, EMEA

London's lost pubs

London loses ten pubs every week, according to the Campaign for Real Ale. The majority are converted into flats or supermarkets, or knocked down altogether. There are signs of resistance: Wandsworth Council recently removed development rights from 120 pubs in the borough. But 4,199 boozers across London have already pulled their last pints.

That number comes from The Lost Pubs Project, an online archive that charts the long decline of the English pub. Some of the closures date back decades, but most are much more recent. We’ve mapped their data to show the postcodes that have lost the most pubs – led by SE1, where almost 500 pubs have closed. Only one postcode, SW12, has no recorded closures (we’ll drink to that, Balham!). It’s a sad story, but there’s a refreshing moral: drink local and help keep London lubricated.

…and without further ado, here are London’s best pubs.

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