
You can exchange vegetables for free pizza at Franco Manca this Wednesday

Written by
Tom Howells

As every Londoner knows, there’s much satisfaction to be had in scoffing char-crusted pizzas from citywide Neapolitan pie-oneers (arf!) Franco Manca. But this Wednesday (May 17), you can add a bit of ‘social good deed’ status to your sourdough snaffling. 

In celebration of National Vegetarian Week, all of Franco Manca’s branches are inviting diners to bring in some veg to exchange for a free pizza from 12pm-3pm. Specifically, for any veggie pizza – including a new special topped with Franco & Lloyd mozzarella, sun-dried San Marzano toms, baked potato, onion and pesto. Easy! 

All of the food collected will be donated to The People’s Fridge, a community food-share initiative in Brixton, where people can give their spare grub and those in need can take it. There’s no specific donation amount either – but as it’s all for charity, do the decent thing and bring more than a single carrot, all right?

You can’t really top free pizza – but you can check out our list of London’s best pizza toppings.

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