
Get unlimited free coffee at Old Street station

Written by
Kelly Pigram

Percol is popping up at Old Street roundabout for three days (Wednesday April 18 to Friday April 20) with free coffee for anyone with the eco-cred – and the foresight – to bring along their own cup.

If you’re in the area, grab your KeepCup, favourite mug, or any vessel suitable for a hot drink and visit the sustainable coffee team for a coffee of your choice (latte, americano, anything you like). You can return as many times as you like over the three days. And it’s free until 10pm on Friday! They’re not fussy about how you save the environment; just don’t embarrass yourself by bringing a non-recyclable cup.

Get your free coffee from Percol Roasters, Unit 8, Old Street Station, EC1V 9NR from April 18 to April 20 from 7am until 7.30pm (10pm on Friday).

Here’s our pick of London’s best cafés and coffee shops.

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