
Soho’s legendary heavy metal nightspot Crobar has closed

But rock ’n’ roll never dies!

Written by
Laura Richards

It’s with a heavy heart that we report that one of central London’s truly iconic nightspots has announced its permanent closure. Crobar in Soho yesterday (Sunday September 20) took to social media to inform its fans and followers that it wouldn’t be reopening in its current location after a tough few months of lockdown. 

The heavy metal bar on Manette Street, known for its slaying jukebox and bourbon collection, announced it wouldn’t be living to rock on another day. In true anarchist form, the bar posted a picture of a tombstone with the words ‘Crobar Soho. Killed by landlords. June 2020. RIP’.  

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Dear All, It is with more sadness and anger than I have the words to express that I have to announce that The Crobar will be unable to re-open at it’s current location. If the insurance companies had paid out, we could have paid the rent and the staffs wages and survived. If the landlords had given us a rent discount or holiday, we could have survived. Sadly, our idiot government did not make either of them do what’s right, and now the bar and music industries are in tatters. Years and years of hard work by pub, bar and venue owners across the country have been destroyed in the blink of an eye, and all because of the greed of a few ‘land barons’ Why did our government let this happen? Oh, that’s right, they are the land barons! On the up side, my 7 year old daughter pointed out to me that all I have to do is open a new Crobar, so that’s what I’m going to do. I aim to open a new Crobar with both a bar and a live music venue. It will require crowd funding, and I suspect it will be a year or so before opening will be viable, but fuck the greedy insurance companies, fuck the greedy short sighted landlords and fuck our brainless government…….we will be back! Long live Rock n’ Roll

A post shared by The Crobar (@thecrobarsoho) on

Crobar first opened in 2001 as an antidote to the area’s mainstream nightclubs and bars, and fast became a popular pre- and post-gig haunt when the Astoria was still open. Past visitors stopping by for a drink and a go on the famous jukebox included Iron Maiden, Metallica and, er, Justin Bieber. And Dave Grohl was said to pay the bar many a visit when on these shores.

Owners shared the news with ‘sadness and anger’, claiming that rent payments during lockdown couldn’t be met without any government support for venues like theirs. On a more positive note, with the support of crowdfunding, Crobar vowed to return in a new site and as a live music venue in due course: ‘We will be back! Long live Rock n’ Roll.’ 

These fellow London restaurants and bars have confirmed their closure.   

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