Time Out Love Local Awards 2021
Time Out

Time Out Love Local Awards

Hello and welcome to the Time Out Love Local Awards

Michael Juliano

Sure, there’s the weather and the beaches, but L.A.’s local businesses really make this city amazing.

Maybe it’s the little coffee shop that always makes your morning better. Or that fantastic local indie cinema, with the community vibes and events. It could be a fantastic food spot that you recommend to incoming friends and fam. Or a bold local gallery or theater, a community-spirited garden-cum-café, a vintage shop, a cheesemonger, a bar or music venue—or even all of the above.

Time Out recently asked you to nominate your most-loved spots in L.A., and now it’s time to vote. See a few of your favorites in the running? Cast your vote for them in the Love Loval Awards.

And, as it’s been a tough 18 months, we’ll offer your most-loved spots—the Time Out Love Local Award Winners of 2021—a free marketing and advertising package to help them thrive. Let’s share the love!

Michael Juliano, Editor, Time Out L.A.

If you are a business owner, or simply want to see your favorite venue listed on Time Out, you can submit venue details to the Time Out L.A. website by sending us your information.

Have questions? Check our Love Local Awards FAQ.

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