
The beloved Paris Theater will reopen for a limited run of Netflix's Marriage Story

Joshua Rothkopf
Written by
Joshua Rothkopf
Paris Theater
Courtesy CC/Flickr/@Epicsunwarrior

Looking to qualify its soon-to-be-streaming titles for Oscars, Netflix continues to successfully book alternative theatrical options: Two weeks ago came the news that Martin Scorsese's The Irishman would take residence at Broadway's Belasco Theatre. Now we're hearing that the Paris Theater—recently shuttered in August after more than seven decades (Marlene Dietrich cut the inaugural ribbon in 1948)—will reopen for a brief run of Noah Baumbach's five-star-excellent Marriage Story, beginning Wednesday, November 6.

It remains unclear how long the Paris will stay open. Regardless, fans of the elegant single-screen theater—on the opposite side of 58th St. across from the Plaza Hotel—see this as a win. It may even be a better solution than the Belasco: At 581 seats, the Paris has roughly half the space, but it does have a romantic balcony and will be able to host multiple daily screenings to the Belasco's single showing. Moreover, it brings Baumbach's distinctly NYC vision to those who want to see it with a crowd.

Insisting on tough terms when it comes box-office receipts, Netflix is finding it hard to strike deals with chains like AMC and Regal. But individual movie houses seem ready to engage: Here is a complete list of theaters where you can go see The Irishman. (We strongly prefer IFC Center's cushiony seats to the Belasco's butt-numbers, and the Scorsese is a full three-and-a-half hours without intermission.) Marriage Story, too, will have alternate options beyond the Paris—at IFC Center, Landmark 57th West and Nitehawk Prospect Park; the latter is worth a trek to Brooklyn.

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