
Open for business: Time Out launches campaign to celebrate independent businesses

We’re helping the city’s independent businesses by helping you to rediscover your 'hood

Nicole-Marie Ng
Written by
Nicole-Marie Ng
Open for business
Photograph: Time Out Singapore

Hello Singapore, 

Back in March, Time Out changed its name to Time In. We probably don’t need to go through all the reasons why, right? But now that Singapore’s done with the circuit breaker and life is slowly returning back to the city, we’re here to help you navigate the call-it-whatever-you-want “normal”.

Don’t get us wrong. We’re not saying to throw caution to the wind – or your masks up in the air – and act like the past six months haven’t fundamentally changed us forever. And while it’s been great to see everyone come together to sing Home and celebrate our healthcare workers, more still needs to be done for those that need our help. 

Since 1968, Time Out has always been on the mission to seek out the city’s best restaurants, cafés, bars, hawkers, shops, galleries, theatres, music venues, nightclubs – and all the other local independently run places where people come together. We share these places with you because we know without them, life in Singapore would be plain boring. But due to months of lost revenue and the steep cost of operating a business, many of these venues are at risk of closing forever if we don’t rally behind them. In fact, some already have. 

The beauty of a small city like Singapore is that you don’t have to go very far to help. While most of us continue working from home, use this opportunity to look at your neighbourhood with fresh eyes through our handy guides. You might just discover a new favourite spot and save a business while you’re at it.

Each week, as part our Open For Business campaign, we’re highlighting new neighbourhoods from the east to the west of Singapore, walking you through the things to do, eat, drink and shop while you’re there so be sure to bookmark this page. While you’re at it, follow us on Facebook and Instagram as well as we talk to business owners who’ll reveal their regular haunts and the stories behind them. We can’t wait to rediscover Singapore with you – see you at the kopitiam. 

Nicole-Marie Ng


Time Out Singapore

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