Our city doesn't boast nearby mountains like Seattle or San Francisco, but what the Midwest lacks in elevation it makes up for in natural beauty. Head to the city's Northwest Side to go for a walk on the North Branch Trail or visit the gorgeous Indiana Dunes along Lake Michigan. If you're tired of dodging strollers on the 606 and doing laps around Chicago parks, it's time to hit the trail at one of the best spots for hiking near Chicago.
The "new year, new you" trope feels unwelcome in 2021. After all, who has time to worry about reinventing themselves when there's still so much uncertainty looming? Instead, we're challenging you to treat yourself with kindness and compassion this year. In a city like ours, there are plenty of ways to max out this resolution—from finding a quiet place to meditate and checking out books from the library to hitting the hiking trails near Chicago. Or perhaps you want to lean into self-care with a spa treatment or a staycation at one of the best hotels in Chicago. There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to loving yourself, but to help you get started, we've compiled a menu of things to do in Chicago that center around wellness. Here's to the same old amazing you getting through 2021!
RECOMMENDED: Discover more ways to get your wellness fix in Chicago