Aerial photo of the Shard and Thames at night.
© Vincent Laforet - AIR

Photography in London

Get snap happy with our guide to London photography news, features, galleries and more


Addicted to Instagram or permanently attached to your SLR? For photography fans, London's got plenty to get excited about. Keep up to date with the latest exhibition reviews, discover the best photography galleries to visit and see how just how good looking London is when captured in the lens. And if you're looking for inspiration, see the Top 40 Photos of London ever taken.

With our guide to the best photography London has to offer, you'll be on track in a flash. 

Must-see London photography exhibitions

Ernest Cole: ‘House of Bondage’

Ernest Cole: ‘House of Bondage’

  • 4 out of 5 stars

‘It is an extraordinary experience to live as though life were punishment for being Black,’ says South African photographer Ernest Cole...

Roger Mayne: ‘Youth’

Roger Mayne: ‘Youth’

  • 3 out of 5 stars

Poor kids, what chance have they got? Back in the 1950s, Influential British street photographer Roger Mayne looked at the world that we bring children into...

Zanele Muholi

Zanele Muholi

  • 4 out of 5 stars

‘No one can tell the story better than ourselves,’ proclaims a quote from artist-photographer Zanele Muholi as you enter this exhibition. Maybe so,...

‘Fragile Beauty’

‘Fragile Beauty’

  • 5 out of 5 stars

Money can buy a lot of things, but it can’t buy taste. Luckily, Sir Elton John would probably know his art from his elbow even if he hadn’t become...

South Kensington

The latest London photography features

Find London's photography galleries

Photographers' Gallery

Photographers' Gallery

  • 4 out of 5 stars

The Photographers' Gallery's six-storey premises on Ramillies Street has reopened after a full facelift. Original plans for the new site were for a striking,...

Michael Hoppen Gallery

Michael Hoppen Gallery

Michael Hoppen Gallery, set up in 1993, exhibits exclusively fine art photography. The second floor is dedicated to high quality contemporary work from well...

Atlas Gallery

Atlas Gallery

Atlas came of age in nineties Hoxton, when the area was still a scruffy, well-kept hipster secret but is now based in the swankier environs of Marylebone. The...

V&A Photographs Gallery

V&A Photographs Gallery

An early pioneer in collecting and exhibiting photography, the V&A now boasts a permanent gallery dedicated to the medium. The inaugural exhibition charts...

Our favourite photos of London