
More people voted in nearly every London constituency this election

James Manning
Written by
James Manning
Content Director, EMEA

As the post-election chaos rumbles on, there’s one thing we can be sure of: Londoners have got more political. This map shows the voting turnout across the city on June 8, compared to the last general election in 2015. Green means an increased turnout: the darker the colour, the greater the rise in voters. Pink means a decreased turnout.

Seven in every ten Londoners cast a ballot: nearly 5 percent more than in 2015. The biggest increase was a massive 12.9 percent in Ilford South. And there was only one area where fewer Londoners voted: Hornchurch and Upminster. Whatever the political fallout, we reckon more people making their voices heard can only be a good thing.

Want to keep on making a difference now the election’s over? Here are 28 simple ways you can make London better.

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