
England’s pubs and restaurants hit with 10pm curfew

Last orders will be before 10pm from Thursday

Written by
Laura Richards
soho london after dark
Photograph: christo mitkov christov / Shutterstock

Hospitality venues in England, including pubs, will have to close their doors by 10pm, the prime minister announced in the House of Commons today (Tuesday September 22). 

The nationwide curfew will come into play from Thursday September 24, with the rules being brought in to help halt the rapid rise of coronavirus cases across the country. 

New measures will impact bars, pubs, restaurants and any other form of hospitality venue. The government is said to be introducing the rule nationwide after seeing its impact in areas like Bolton, where a curfew has already been established.

Johnson said that venues must be closed by 10pm, and suggested that last orders would need to take place even earlier in order to make this happen. Venues will also have to impose a table-service-only rule when operating. 

Boris Johnson is also due to address the nation later today with a full update on these new measures, as well as a reminder on the social-distancing rules that continue to exist across the country.

Today, Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is continuing talks around new measures for a London lockdown to halt the spread of the virus in the capital. We’ll keep you updated as soon as we hear more. But for now, you can say goodbye to any big nights out for the foreseeable.

Here’s all we currently know on the chance of a local lockdown for London

These cracking London pubs are back open for business – and they need your support!

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