
Is there really a secret drinking den in M&M’s World?

Dare to dream

Alice Saville
Written by
Alice Saville
Contributing writer

Leicester Square’s M&M’s World is a deeply surreal and wonderful place, full of primary-coloured merchandise, weirdly coquettish giant M&Ms and inexplicably expensive figurines. It’s also HUGE, with warren-like underground spaces that seem to go on forever. So is it really so hard to imagine that it also contains London’s hottest and most exclusive drinking den?

Comedians Stuart Laws and Evelyn Mok claim to have found a top-secret bar hidden in its depths. A viral TikTok shows them pressing the M&M dispensers on the UK’s largest candy wall, hoping that a secret door will swing open, Bond-villain style. Then, they investigate various hidden entryways before finding themselves in a brightly coloured ‘bar’ where they sip delicious-looking candy-coloured drinks. Naturally, they don’t reveal the precise route: otherwise everyone would go, and this watering hole would lose its in-the-know exclusivity. 

Follow them if you dare, into the technicoloured labyrinth of M&M’s World, to the delectable secrets hidden in its depths. M&M’s World is currently being coy about the existence of this bar:

And perhaps it’s right to pretend this is just another twinkle in a comedian’s eye: after all, true Londoners know that the second a good drinking spot is exposed to the glare of publicity, it gets swamped with tourists. So let’s keep this one between ourselves (and Stuart Laws’s many TikTok followers), yeah?

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