
London’s best virtual events to help you celebrate Pride Month from home

Virtual parades, live-streamed DJ sets and digital debates are keeping the LGBTQ+ community connected during lockdown

Written by
Katie McCabe

Pride Inside

In response to the cancellation of hundreds of events, UK Black Pride, Amnesty International, Stonewall and ParaPride have joined together like an LGBTQ+ supergroup to form Pride Inside, ‘an online series of gigs, comedy shows, panel discussions, and arts-based events’. The idea is to keep Pride alive ‘in our homes and in our hearts’. Details of the line-up are still a little sketchy right now, but we do know that Pride Inside will take place over one week, from Sunday June 28 to Sunday July 5. Keep track of updates here

Anthems Pride podcast

If you’re not feeling up to a club night on Zoom, try putting on your headphones and listening to Anthems Pride, a new podcast celebrating diverse voices in the LGBTQ+ community. The series is produced by Broccoli Content, a podcast company that’s working to create new opportunities for minority talents behind and in front of the mic. Each day in June sees the release of a new episode: so far there have been ‘Anthems’ from singer-songwriter and YouTuber dodie, writer Lotte Jeffs and ‘Burgerz’ theatre-maker, Travis Alabanza. You know those podcasts where a group of men chat aimlessly for an hour in front of their microphones? Anthems is a world away from that. Instead the episodes are formed of short bursts of poetry, manifestos, and calls to action. Have a listen here 

Pride in London’s community hub

The Pride in London parade won’t be taking place until 2021, so the organisation has channelled its energies into creating a community hub with useful resources for supporting marginalised LGBTQ+ groups. There’s information about grassroots charities to donate to, petitions and advice on how to write to your MP demanding reform of the Gender Recognition Act. The aim is to generate 30,000 acts of allyship, one for every person who would have turned up to the 2020 parade. It’s all part of Pride in London’s ‘You!Me!Us!We!’ theme, a call for solidarity and support between LGBTQ+ groups. Find out more about the campaign’s mission here.


Pride Inside UK

Another (unconnected) Pride Inside project is working to bring the LGBTQ+ community together in lockdown with a cross-country photography project. Brought to life by Sink the Pink performer Ginger Johnson, this Pride Inside has enlisted the help of photographers and designers to produce gorgeous images of LGBTQ+ people celebrating Pride from home. The portraits are now being displayed in 1,000 locations all over the UK, from billboards to bus stops. The campaign is helping to raise money for the LGBT Consortium. ‘Usually we take to the streets for Pride. We take to stages, demos and dancefloors. We climb onboard floats or walk shoulder to shoulder with our families and friends, but this summer that just isn’t possible,’ said Ginger Johnson, ‘So it’s crucial that LGBTQ+ people from all walks of life are visible and proud in our public spaces even if we can’t be there together in person!’. Find out more here. 


Uniqlo Tate Lates: Night In

Tate is having another go at its ‘at home’ Tate Late sessions, this time with a focus on LGBTQ+ artists. The event can be streamed on two channels, so you can play the curator and fine tune the night to your liking. On one stream, it’s talks and workshops where you can hear from artist and activist Ajamu X, have a paint-along session with London-based artist Ashton Attzs or explore the Museum of Transology’s collection with curator E-J Scott. Over on stream two, watch an experimental ‘film cabaret’ selected by Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest and stay for tunes handpicked by NTS radio. As always, the late is on a Friday – 7pm on July 3

Are you organising a virtual event for Pride Month? Let us know:

Find virtual Pride events happening all around the world with Global Pride

For more info on Pride in London 2020, click here

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