Remember that news story that came out a few weeks ago about how garden centres were having to throw away millions of plants while they closed for lockdown? There’s good news.
A new business has come up with a plan to rescue the flowers and foliage going to waste. PlantSavers is partnering with the nurseries that have been hardest hit to sell off their perennial and annual plants at bargain prices. It will help support them financially and help us Londoners have blooming gardens.
There are currently three bundles of plants and compost on sale, in sizes ranging from enough to fill a window box (£25) to a full garden rework (£50). One pound from each sale will go to Meals for the NHS and the plants are delivered with zero contact.
Plus, if you’re one of the Londoners who has been struggling to get their hands on soil, you’re in luck. There are bags of compost on sale separately.
Here are the London garden centres that are still open.
Find out how to buy plants that would have been on display at Chelsea Flower Show.