
Three-Ingredient Recipe: Bin Li’s egg-yolk-and-garlic noodles

Cheap, quick and very, very tasty

Written by
Kate Lloyd
Contributing writer
Photograph: Time Out/Shutterstock
Photograph: Time Out

Welcome to our cookery series Three-Ingredient Recipe, where London chefs share the tastiest, simplest dishes they know. Today, Bin Li of London’s first Xi’an restaurant, Murger Han, is taking charge with a tasty noodle dish.

Egg-yolk-and-garlic noodles

Most people put instant noodles in water and then add the flavourings. Instead, think like a chef and build the flavour from the start. This will make sure you have tastier noodles that are not overcooked and soggy. Also, take it slow. When garlic is cooked gently it becomes more aromatic, which is better for a broth, and a perfectly runny yolk will emulsify your broth. Although they are called “instant”, a few extra minutes in care and preparation makes for a much tastier meal.’

What you need

1. One packet of instant noodles. 
2. One egg.
3. Garlic (to taste).

What you need to do

1. Put a splash of cold oil and the sliced or chopped garlic in the pan at the same time and warm them gently together with a little salt until the garlic is cooked and releases all flavours.
2. Add water carefully (it might spit), according to the packet instructions, plus a splash extra.
3. When the water starts to boil, crack in an egg to poach.
4. Once the white of the egg begins to form, carefully drop in the noodles (be careful of your egg) and then the sachet of sauce from the packet. As soon as the noodles have softened they are ready.
5. Top with spring onion and chilli if you have any. Tip: You can add in anything you have lying around too, during the boiling process, but always before the egg and the noodles. 

Read all our Three-Ingredient Recipes

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