Kopparberg Forest Date
© Jack Latimer

Date night: A gig in a faux forest

Every week, two lucky Londoners get to have a night or day out - and it's on us! We sent Becky and Frank on a blind date, but did they hit it off?

Eddy Frankel

The venue: Drinks and a gig at Koppaberg Urban Forest, Hackney Wick.

The couple: Frank (34) is a TV producer who lives in Essex. Becky (25) works in PR and lives in Brixton.

First impressions

Becky said: ‘He was very well dressed, wearing a nice smart blazer. He wasn’t my usual type. He was a bit smarter than I normally go for, and a little bit on the short side, but there’s nothing wrong with that.’

Frank said: ‘My first impression was that she was very pretty, but she was a little bit taller than me. She also seemed quite young – younger than I would normally be looking for. She’s an attractive girl though, absolutely.’


Becky said: ‘Conversation flowed, but I wouldn’t say there were any sparks flying. He told me that he cried when he saw Dolly Parton, which was hilarious. That made my night. He was a nice guy, we chatted the whole time. But I didn’t really find him attractive.’

Frank said: ‘The chemistry was good, actually. I thought the date was fun and we had a fair bit in common. Where she is now in her life is where I was when I was her age. I didn’t struggle for conversation at all, but it was immediately obvious that there wasn’t a spark.’


Becky said: ‘He had to get back to Southend, so we went our separate ways, though we were still out quite late. We didn’t exchange numbers. I probably won’t see him again.’ 3/5 stars

Frank said: ‘It ended fairly quickly: her choice, I may say. I would have given it a bit longer. But there was no chemistry, so why prolong it! She was lovely but I don’t think she’s at the age to be settling down.’ 3/5 stars

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