
The best West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval 2018 photos and costumes

Michael Juliano
Written by
Michael Juliano
Editor, Los Angeles & Western USA
West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval
Photograph: Gil Riego

Celebrating Halloween on a Wednesday may seem like kind of a bummer, but that didn’t stop thousands of revelers from flooding the streets of West Hollywood for the city’s biggest Halloween party: the West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval. The annual street fest’s absolutely outlandish costumes never disappoint, and this year was certainly no exception. 

The costumes this year were about what you’d expect—that is to say, an eclectic mix of outfits where sexy clergy members and unsexy presidents mix and mingle with wholesome Disney characters and Deadpool as Bob Ross. Oh, and Pennywise. Lots and lots of Pennywise (truly the Bane or Joker costume of our current costume era).

Check out the photos below of our favorite costumes from this year’s West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval.

All photographs by Gil Riego.

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