1. Kids run up a wooden boardwalk towards a crazy treehouse in the middle of a field
    Photograph: Supplied/Centennial Park
  2. Kids run through a woven archway in the Ian Potter garden playground
    Photograph: Supplied/Centennial Park
  • Things to do
  • Centennial Park

Ian Potter Children's Wild Play Garden

This wild play paradise comes with a crazy tree house

Maya Skidmore

Time Out says

Hidden deep (well, kind of deep) within the heart of Centennial Park is a playground like no other. Surrounded by wide sweeping parklands, wildflowers and mammoth Moreton Bay fig trees, Ian Potter Children’s Wild Play Garden is one of New South Wales’  few nature-play paradises made for kids and adults alike. 

Filled with endless opportunities for wild exploration, this garden is open every day from 10am to 5pm, and is all about encouraging kids of all ages to get lost in a nature-filled oasis that also doubles as a playground. Fit out with an intricate and excellent tree house, a gnarly bamboo forest, a fancy water play area, banksia tunnels, turtle mounds and dry creek beds, this ‘wild play’ locale is full of wonderful nooks and crannies that keep kids fresh, entertained and connected to the big outdoors, all from within the controlled paradise of Centennial Park. 

Fit out with a coffee van and amenities, as well as plenty of places for adults to sit and smell the native flowers, this garden is an excellent stop for the whole family, with it having a lil’ slice of something to keep everyone entertained. 

You can find Ian Potter Wild Play coming in through the entrance off Grand Drive, opposite the York Road gates, at the Centennial Park entrance. Keep your eyes peeled for the directional signs once you’re in there, or find them by using one of their mapsEntry is free. 

Want more kid-friendly fun? Check out our survival guide for the upcoming school holidays. 


Off Grand Drive
Centennial Park
Opening hours:
Daily, 10am-5pm (closed in August)
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