
Our very own NYC-style High Line is well on its way

The park-on-a-bridge dream could be a reality soon

Joe Mackertich
Written by
Joe Mackertich
Editor, Time Out London

The last time we spoke to you about the Camden High Line project it was September 2020. A different world, one in which the phrase 'the most miserable winter of all time' didn't yet mean anything. At that point the project, a cockney riff on New York's delicious and delightful High Line elevated park, was still looking for a designer.

Well they've found their designer. And, as luck would have it, it is the same designer who built the original one in NYC. Take a bow, James Corner.

The plan (which was originally dreamed up by geography researcher Oliver O'Brien) is to turn a disused stretch of railway viaduct in Camden into a new sky park and walking route. It'll go from Camden Gardens to York Way and, according to Corner, have a totally different vibe to its New York counterpart. The group putting it all together promises seating areas, caffs, arts installations and 'charitable activities'. Not quite sure what the last one means, but it all sounds good to us.

Corner described the project as 'feelgood investment' that would help the city shed 'the negative vibes of the past couple of years'. Too right, mate.

'If you have the opportunity to live in a city that’s got great parks and gardens and high lines and canals and things that bring people out of a weekend, it’s just cool," he added. "It’s something you want to be part of. You need the magic that makes people say ‘I want to live in London’.'

There isn't much in the way of concept art yet but you can 'walk' the route here

Take virtual tours of London's biggest galleries. Meow! 

Like the outdoors? Book some lido time for March 29, pronto

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